Monday, July 19, 2004

Outside my window
Is a tree
With leaves green and grey
Someday it will be gone
And I shall fade away.

Don't ask me why, but I felt compelled to post that.


Jenny said...

oh, that's so beautiful! I love the window symbol.. it makes the rest of it mean so many things.. are you going to continue with more stanzas?

AKM said...

I hope you weren't being sarcastic, I'm very slow to pick up on sarcasm over the net :(

Jenny said...

I wasn't being sarcastic, I really loved it; in fact I wrote in on my cast near the top so I could read it during the next few weeks.. would you sign it for me? *hugs her hero*

note: jenny's hero is aditya

AKM said...

Wow, I'm stunned that you really like it. There was a 99% chance I wouldn't have even posted it, you know?! It just sort of popped into my mind, I don't think I consciously thought about it. The fact that you have written it on your cast is doubly stunning, because, well, I don't think it's very good at all! I'll sign it for blood! *evil laugh* *headshot by Gazza* *deadly silence*