Sunday, July 25, 2004

As I was sifting through some of my previous posts, I was reminded of a time not too long ago that when I was convinced that I was doomed, and that all my exams would end in failure. I did much better than I expected, and so I think it's important for me to confront this issue so that I can tame the neurosis. I actually think that the marks reflect virtually nothing, and that I was right in being scared, because I wasn't thinking about how well I could answer exam questions, I was thinking about how much I knew. It turns out that I didn't know a whole lot, but apparently it was good enough to help me not fail the exams. I think it's easy to consider that a victory and move on, but no, I don't think I ought to think of it as a victory. That would create the illusion in my head that I somehow deserve the good fortune, and that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I think the basic issue is that exams don't really test knowledge to as great an extent as they perhaps should, because if they did, I would be repeating this semester all over again. Kinda makes the matter of marks rather pointless, doesn't it? Well, not entirely, but it does go to show that they aren't everything, and that having them as the ultimate goal is not beneficial in the long run. Every time after an exam I say that knowledge is what's important, and that I shouldn't think that my marks are a reflection of my knowledge, but I don't believe I listen to myself very often. I fear I sometimes work solely at the goal of getting good marks, rather than gaining knowledge. Yet, at the same time, if I did really badly mark-wise, I would probably be sobbing right now saying how I've failed totally and how I need to study harder, and so on. Essentially, this is just another indication of how cluttered my mind is.


Jenny said...

when I first came to my high school I was really surprised at the number of people who lived to increase their marks.. T__T I thought that the education system was stuffed and the people who were 'smart' were actually incredibly dumb.. but then I realised I was dumb because I wasn't dumb because intelligence is an irrational psychological construct. then I realised that the education system wasn't stuffed. then I realised that I was wrong and it was, even so. then I realised that the word realise is a very subjective word and asserts too much. then I noticed that if I didn't assert enough when I talked people accused me of being VAUGE (ahem.. gareth)..

anyway I assert that knowledge is more important than marks too, but I also assert that you are more important than knowledge. by you, I mean aditya and gareth and billy and anyone else who has ever been referred to as 'you'

*pause* ok I'll shut up now.. *toddles off into the distance*

AKM said...

"but I also assert that you are more important than knowledge"

Oh absolutely, I never meant to imply anything to the contrary. I was merely placing knowledge on a higher pedestal than marks, not on the highest pedestal of them all :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, marks have surprisingly little to do with knowledge. But high marks certainly improve confidence, and make you feel smart.

That's where all my confidence comes from, in the belief that from my high marks I can actually achieve things. That is why I try to do well in exams. Confidence, pride. I hope to get back these two things this semester.

AKM said...

"But high marks certainly improve confidence, and make you feel smart"

No arguments there, but in my case I am not smart, and therefore I end up deluding myself. I guess there's no real harm just yet, but there will be when I am forced to confront the fact that I am not smart and that all this while I have thought that by getting good marks I would somehow neglect the fact that I don't know anything.

There wouldn't be a problem if I were focussed on marks and knowledge (it isn't practical at this stage for me to stop caring about marks), but I don't think it will happen.

With you, it is a matter of confidence because you are smart but you are unsure of yourself far too often. So I can understand that you would want to get high marks :)

"Confidence, pride. I hope to get back these two things this semester."

Don't worry you legend, you'll be fine. I'll look out for you :)

xiaodai said...

There is saying "The difference between the geniuses and the ruffians is that the former claims that they are not smart while latter knows so." That saying is by Zhuo Jia Dai (the inverse hero of aditya, hanqing and gazza) by the way.

Aditya, you are already a genius and it is rather useless talking about marks (as you get all the high marks). Exams do not measure knowledge, but i think you are talking rubbish when you said you dont know anything ( you are exaggerating to say the least ). It is sad, but your marks is a good indicator of your ability to tackle problems, maybe studying isn't meant to install all those knowledge into out brain, but rather to train our ability to solve problems. The fact that we actually remembers something from our studies is just a bonus i guess.