Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Deja vu - my mood now is vaguely similar to that of this post, but with a difference. Rather than feeling melancholic and wistful, I feel invigorated, as though I have a goal, a purpose. The catalyst would be a seemingly insignificant conversation with someone who, in some ways, is a gentle reminder of my past. In summary, I suppose that though I have often remarked how flawed I am, I've rarely gone about trying to do anything about it. I think something has snapped inside - enough self-pity, darnit! I do believe it's time for action.

There is a book called Arise, Arjuna by David Frawley that I haven't read. But the title has stayed in my mind ever since I laid my eyes on it (the title is of course drawn from the Gita). The image it conjures up is beautiful beyond words - in some ways, it is what I am telling myself now. A calling to some innate, fundamental part of my being, urging it to rise and show itself. Ahhh...the simple pleasures!

I can't say that I'm entirely convinced this feeling will stay on; maybe it's another fleeting moment of euphoria that will be drowned, given my seeming propensity for pessmism. But this is what this blog is for, no? To capture feelings, thoughts, and, perhaps rather presumptuously, states of mind?

If the past week was my Tender Prey, let this one be my The Good Son! (Once again, kudos to the reader that figures out just what I am going on about here)


Jenny said...

what was the conversation, and who was this person? *curious* was it gareth?

"enough self-pity, darnit! I do believe it's time for action"


Jenny said...

I shall type into this box once again... if the comment _still_ doesn't show up... I'll probably try again T__T

Jenny said...

ahahaha! *pure joy*

*pause* ok now I forgot what I wanted to say ^__^'