Friday, August 27, 2004

A terrible paraphrasing of a Simpsons moment I found hilarious:

Lisa: Lenny and Carl? You're Buddhists?
Carl: Yeah, if I didn't have inner peace, I'd go psycho on all of you!
Lenny: (gasp) Richard Gere! The world's most famous Buddhist!
Carl: What about the Dalai Lama?
Lenny: Who's the Dalai Lama?
Carl: You know, the 14th Reincarnation of Buddha?
Lenny: Who's Buddha?

Unfortunately, I've botched it totally, but alas, I can't remember exactly how it goes. My memory ain't what it used to be, that's for sure! Rather curiously, I wasn't able to find a script for the episode on the net. I guess I didn't look hard enough.

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