Sunday, May 02, 2004

I don't think I've ever been as obsessed with a game as I was with Ultima Online. Amazingly enough, I've never once experienced such a level of addiction (then again, there was the one day Diablo marathon, but with UO it was a sustained addiction) - I used to have dreams about the game, for chrissake! I like things like that, which you have a bittersweet memory of, but will always remain in your mind - not necessarily something that you exactly cherish, but it's just something that's there. It's not like I remember too much of the game - I vaguely remember party members like Golian Nigh (Knight? Night?) and Mystic (sweet 10 year old, or so she claimed!), but everything else is pretty much a blur. Yet the legend lives on!

It's interesting actually that other games which have had me stuck at the computer for whole weeks at a stretch haven't managed to have the same effect on me. Perhaps that was my first exposure to a truly addictive game? I was largely a fledgling RPG player back then, so that is plausible (considering how most RPGs are unbelievably addictive!).

What's simply remarkable about this blog is that it manages to capture thoughts and feelings that, although being a couple of months old, I have long forgotten. Reminiscing over the entries before the start of uni, I simply can't imagine being back in that situation again. And yet it wasn't that long ago at all! I suppose in another two months I'll think the exact same thing, reading over this entry, trying to place myself back in this period of time..what an ephemeral existence we lead.

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