Monday, May 17, 2004

Having a clean design makes you want to post stuff, but invariably I realize that there isn't that much to say. A shame, really!

I love it when you have flashes where you are for an instant transported, for all intents and purposes, to another dimension in your head. I doubt that's the right way to express what I mean - what I mean is a total sense of detachment from reality, a total lack of the reminder that one does exist in this physical world, so to speak. There is of course the question of whether alternate dimensions exist; perhaps reality is but a projection of our own mind, a dimension that has arbitrarily been chosen by us to be the one true dimension. Even more enjoyable is the reminder that we're stuck here, which is usually greeted with a brief sense of dismay and confusion. A totally random example I experienced a couple of days back was staring at a maths question and then coming back to reality, only to wonder just what in God's name all those x's and y's mean.

It's good sometimes to have this happen to you, if only because it helps put things in broader perspective. It's easy to get caught in the fine details of a matter without comprehending what it all means. Why the perpetual search for meaning? An interesting point. I suppose the fact that humans are blessed with the ability to think and reason automatically implies a desire for knowledge and the rules of logic and rationality to be followed. Hence we always try to make sense of things by analyzing the rationale and figuring out why they are the way they are. Then again, it's probably just us scientists (and those crazy philosophers) who think this way. Not that I'm a scientist, of course - a poor mixture of a mediocre mathematician and an even worse computer scientist.

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