Sunday, January 22, 2006

"It was the moment I saw that I wasn't entirely right about her", he said. I secretly said to myself "Oh God, not one of these again...", but betrayed nothing. "For howmanyever days it has been, I suppose she was just someone who met with people from around the world, talking business and the good life", he continued, and I felt like I knew where he was going.

"There was no big revelatory moment, or anything even remotely out of the ordinary. All it was was the music playing out of the blue, and then her saying with a genuine smile "I love this song!". Moments, moments...what was it about this one? The context of the song? The song itself? I was going to say it revealed that at heart, she was a simple girl, but that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Were it something from The Sound Of Music, perhaps one could see the connection, but simplicity and perfectly genuine pop-rock? It's a bit of a stretch, even for me". He was lost in what he saw to be the poetic beauty of his own words. But how strange, I thought; how strange that something that I too have felt before should sound so out of place and irrelevant here.

"And yet, I know that I felt something there. Maybe it was that she was, after all, just your average girl trying to make it in this crazy world. No matter what it is we do, we all have our moments of vulnerability, our moments where the simple strains of music can gently blow away the unforgiving menutia of days piled on. It doesn't have to mean anything, it doesn't have to be anything special, it just connects with us on a different level altogether".

I nodded sympathetically, wondering why I saw his words and tired and devoid of the magic I knew he intended them to have. But I did agree on one thing - heck, we all need some pop-rock sometimes.

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