Thursday, August 25, 2005

Remember, there are still times when things don't seem all that different. This man practically awakened your mind, and you can't even defend him? Dear child, those days sitting and reflecting, marvelling the words he has written, do they mean anything at all now? "I am the son and the heir of a shyness..." Oh, to heck with it all - opinions, voices, discussions, debates, for me, in this matter, there is but my memory of reading a book three years ago in a bed in a house I used to live in, and that is eternal. Sitting in front of a computer in a place where time doesn't seem to mean anything, no, that is far less real.

Oh, ok, maybe he is just a hack after all, how should I know? Maybe there is an objective scale to it all, and maybe I can see it all when I go to sleep. In that kingdom, I can preside over these thoughts, and forget that it is all continuous.

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