Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I saw a book claiming to be the comprehensive study of Dylan's work. Mildly interested, I took it down from the shelf, and opened it on what I thought was a fairly innocuous page. But then my eyes saw the first lines - Sixteen years / Sixteen banners united over the field - and I immediately felt a sense of deja vu. I put it back, and decided that I would some day have to own this book, if only to keep alive this memory.

How crazy that a song should have such a tight connection to me! There doesn't seem to be any sense in trying to dissect it. I could very well go through the whole thing line by line, but does that convey a fraction of whatever it is I felt that dinner two years ago? That is why I could never start a review site; I suspect many of the truly important reviews (to me) would have to end up like this, with flittering images and inconsequential statements. A man can dream, can't he?

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