Saturday, January 24, 2004

I often find myself drifting over to Experts Exchange with intentions of actually replying to one of the messages there, but I've never actually carried through with it. Granted, it's not as though the solution to each problem is immediately apparent to me, but I think there's something else about it that puts me off.

The points system is a double-edged sword, and is ultimately the incentive for a lot of the replies. People with no experience in a particular problem domain chip in with the results of a Google search just to be in the running for those magic points. Of course, it isn't wrong that they do this; after all, the end result is that they are providing something that maybe you've missed. After being close to a problem for a while, one tends to lose sight of what is relevant and what is not, and so an outside perspective is almost always a good thing. I suppose this somehow detracts from the fantasy that's subconsciously created (for me anyway) in other forums, that of people replying due to altruistim, not out of a desire for something in return (the awarding of points). Sounds silly, doesn't it? Perhaps that's not even it, but at the moment that's what I feel.

I don't care for the after-squabble either, once the problem has been solved, and several members try to argue why they should get the points. I don't mean to generalize based on a few experiences, but there you go.

And finally, I am genuinely curious how many "IT professionals" have got help from the site. A lot of messages seem to be from, quite bluntly, newbies. I suppose some of the replies are from people who know their stuff, and definitely the top- posters are professionals, if not in title then at least in ability.

I don't mean to criticize the site at all, actually. It seems quite a useful resource, and one I'm sure I will someday make use of. But still, that doesn't mean I can't confess being uncomfortable with it at times.

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