Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Frequently, my obsession with music has lead me to consider making a music review page. Much like this blog, my notebook (a notebook of ideas, don't ya know), the fantastic book in my head, and many other things, it has the distinct trademark of another idealistic pursuit that will, for all intents and purposes, exist solely in my head.

For starters, the fundamental problem is that if it were to be a serious review site, who in God's name am I to review anything? If we scrap the notion of it being serious, and take it to be a site that's just done for fun, then who am I expecting to read it (much like the blog, I know, but I think I'll treat it as an online journal pretty soon)? I wonder who in the huge world would be interested in what I like and don't like - aside from me.

And once again, when it comes down to it, writing a review is a lot of work - not something that one can do in 5 minutes if it's to be half decent. I'll bet that after a couple of them, laze will once again take over me.

Of course, there is the chance that someone will listen to something and then, as I sometimes do, search on the net for reviews of the album, just out of curiosity, perhaps to see if others like/hate it too and whether (s)he has missed anything in the listening.

As usual, I suppose I'm overthinking. Now if I were to start overthinking properly, instead of in an incoherent mess, perhaps things would become more interesting.

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