Monday, January 26, 2004

At around about this point I realize that part of the reason why I continue blogging on is because I actually like seeing my thoughts splashed on the net, no matter how insignificant and dull they may be. Not only that, I think I enjoy reading my own writing. A bit self-centred, you might say, and you would be correct. On the subject of the point to the blog (although I've done it to death already), it would appear that there are other authors who share the same doubts and who dismiss their blog in the much the same manner I do (although it's usually with a bit more style; my dismissals are basically a sermon on nihilism). So the blogging community isn't exclusively comprised of people who have interesting things to say (of course, once one starts putting to words personal stuff, then it definitely becomes interesting, but that's from a voyueristic perspective). I guess it has its fair share of people like me (though most are substantially more interesting), who post just for the heck of it.

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