Thursday, May 26, 2005

My recent musings on elegance in software reminded me of something I read a long time ago, a thread on GameDev that featured a discussion on whether code is art. Unfortunately, there is a flame-war for the most part, but it is interesting nonetheless. When I first read it, I thought that code was art, but probably for a very different reason. At that stage, I think I equated the artistic nature of code to purely succinctness (for instance, I was particularly enamoured with recursive solutions back then). Now I feel like I have a better idea about what SabreMan was talking about; he's one of those posters who contributed a lot of things that I still find interesting to read today. Unfortunately, 'twould seem that he doesn't post anymore, and that's a shame. I've been unable to find any really good software forum with characters as interesting and knowledgeable as Oluseyi, SabreMan, virtual mentors and teachers, who inspire me to greater heights!

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