Wednesday, April 04, 2007

One of the problems I had with my first viewing of Rushmore was the feeling that Wes Anderson was looking for reasons to include some songs he really liked into the movie. I guess this is in part because I felt they were maybe too frequently used, and started getting distracted.

But you know, thinking about it, I wonder if I can blame him. I think I'd do exactly the same thing if I had the opportunity! Of course, that is because I have no filmmaking talent, but still. It is actually very tempting to start to imagine film scenes where songs would seem beautifully appropriate...

Although, I think I still hold my criticism of the movie, and I am still left wondering whether I like it for what it is, or whether the nice music plays a substantial part. As always, I am sure it is a bit of both in moderate measures, but is it good that I am unable to say so comprehensively?

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