Sunday, March 28, 2004

Darn uni, it sucks out all your creativity, and makes you unable to post witty stuff on your blog. When I come home I'm too tired but on the weekend I'm frantically finishing homework. And to think of all the days in the holidays where I did absolutely nothing. What a waste! Actually, not really, because doing nothing is in itself something, as it's something of a luxury that I don't often get during the working year.

I have to be the epitome of temporary obsession, I think. When I start listening to music, I can't get enough, and swallow multiple CDs a day. It's frightening, really, how I seem to need a music fix during those periods. Yet at the same time I have dry periods like this, where I can go months without listening to a single thing. Abstain, obsess, rinse and repeat. Let it be known that at this point in time, the last thing I've heard is Neil Young's On The Beach. Why? Well, it's a fact that may prove interesting a few years down the track, ya know?

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