Sunday, March 18, 2012

Having not written one of these in a while, and having thought of a theme, I thought just this once you'd pardon me if my judgement on these tunes isn't final or convincing.

1) Supertramp, "Gone Hollywood". Prindle said that he hadn't heard a song with a fade-in intro that was ever less than excellent. (Even better when said song kicks off an album. Like Sparks' "This Town", this reminds you of one of the joys of listening to an album.) There may be only a few hundred people who listen to Supertramp and find an emotional connection to the lyrics, but by God I'm now one of them. In its non-specific dissatisfaction and disappointment with a particular stretch of the land of dreams, I see a bit of myself. Plus the sax is neat.

2) Jackson Browne, "Running on Empty". This hits a spot not unlike the one tapped by other emotional favourites from the late '70s by the new Dyland crowd - Rust Never Sleeps and Darkness on the Edge of Town, in particular. Earnest and dissatisfied enough to get my vote. And if I'm being honest, more than a little of my appreciation comes from nostalgia for the first time I heard the previously mentioned albums. Which is oddly fitting: in 2001 I was 17, and all the rest.

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