Sunday, September 04, 2011

Orpheus Beach

Every time I think of you, I'm conscious somewhere that I deepen my curse. Of course having a heart and having some memory of love, or whatever this wretched affliction is, is better than none. But ask me honestly if I would like to keep this heart, bruised everytime it is reminded of its denial, and of course I will scream back No. Ask me if these years and years of your face coming to my mind when the spirit is at its most vulnerable are something I cherish and I will weep in reply. After all, this is the only life I have, and what happened, happened. Forever supposing on how things could have turned out might have seemed tragically romantic for a year or two. But now I've had it with all that. I'd gladly give it all away, but I doubt anyone would actually want to take it. That leaves patiently and methodically erasing these memories and feelings all by myself. All this requires is convincing the curse that it wants to be lifted.


Naman said...

all i can say is .. Be Calm.. :) things will take care of itself . .

AKM said...

Heh, thanks :-) I don't take my writings too seriously - they're mostly me trying to get thoughts out of my head so that they stop bothering me - but it's nonetheless good to be reminded to do so.