Friday, November 09, 2007

I could predict, when he attested to the lyrical qualities of the song, that it would end up revealing more about him than I had learnt in all the time we had spent curiously probing each other's pasts. "You've run so far and you still can't see", I think it went; something of the sort, anyway. His face had a sombre quality to it, and I could see the weight he attached to the lines. I thought of my pretensions and posturings, and smiled with genuine gratitude at being shown so pure an expression of appreciation. And while I did not forget the harrowing times we had because of each other, I knew that this was one moment which could not be denied.


night and starlight said...

I really like your writing. It's very lyrical..

AKM said...

! Thank you! :) I sometimes find it too opaque and impenetrable for my liking, but if occasionally glimmers of something better start to surface, I'm very glad :)