Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I posted earlier about something being amiss in IE7; perhaps all that was really missing was familiarity? Without quite realizing it, I seem to have more or less migrated to IE7, with Firefox sitting sadly unused. I don't know that there's any particular reason for me to have gone with IE7, but I remember that when the final release came out, I thought it would be best to "test it out", as it were. Sadly for Firefox, the "testing" process continues...

The funny thing is, I still think the UI could be better! Is it just that I was using Firefox for the tabs alone!?! to wait until Firefox 3 comes out.

1 comment:

airy voices said...

hahaha.. i had the same inner debate over the question of tabs and the nature of my loyalty to firefox.
i guess machiavelli might have been right.. we're just fickle, fickle fickle--love's just an obligation :)

i just finished exams, thus the verbal diarrhoea.