Tuesday, September 27, 2005

James, what happened? There is no Zen, no Tao, no anything with what you're doing anymore; is it just me? Without something underpinning it, there is little hope for a subject to be taken seriously by me in my current state of mind, overworked and always in the mood for a rant.

With my limited experience in teaching, I've often stood at the front of the class and thought to myself "They must think all this pointless, but I'd have loved for someone to have told me this when I was first learning all these things". I suspect that's what he thinks as well - it's so sad to see him rest his chin on his hand in between lectures, and I sometimes presume to know what he must be thinking. He strikes me as someone who knows a great deal, and is an invaluable source of information on just about anything related to the magic world of software, but is forced to preach to people who perhaps don't appreciate it all so much. Starting off the way I did with this post, I'm probably one of them, eh?

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