Friday, June 10, 2005

I feel as though I ought to have something meaningful to say at the closure of another semester, but rather surprisingly, I don't. I used to place inordinate value in these things, but nowadays, these milestones don't seem like they can evoke powerful emotions in me. I remember feeling much the same at the start of this semester, and was quite curious then as to why this once constant source of inspiration was failing me. As it goes with these things, I am a little concerned whether I am overly commited to this insane quest I seem to have undertaken the past few weeks. If I could put my finger on what it is that is precisely different, I would say that it appears to be a sense of calm. I am somewhat disturbed by how angry I remember I was last year - anger at no-one in particular, just undirected rage hurled out at the universe. It's easy enough to sit here smugly and pity my former self, but I shall wait till one of the bigger tests is completed - sitting through ten days of unmitigated stress and keeping my head intact.

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