Wednesday, January 19, 2005

These are a few pictures from the trip to India I took recently. I realize that none of the pictures will strike the average reader as particularly spectacular, but they all represent something very special to me. I mentioned earlier that I thought that some posts were written just for me, and that they weren't meant to provide any entertainment, insight, or anything at all to the rest of the world. This would probably be one such post.

Now that, children, is how you play the backfoot defense.


The sun only adds to the charm.

Roadside wonders.

 Posted by Hello


Aisha said...

Hi there, Prufrock (YES, I read that post from November) rock too.
I found you through the extreme sport of Dashboard Dashing (patented by me :)).
You dash, after posting, to 'Recently updated blogs' on the Dashboard and pick those either side of yours and link to them if worthy.

I linked to yours.


AKM said...

Hi Aisha, Dashboard dashing eh? I've never been able to spot my blog on the Dashboard, though I've spent a fair bit of time randomly flicking through blogs listed there. I gave it up a fair while ago, perhaps slightly put-off by the fact that I could never seem to find anything interesting. Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough!?

I fear you might have caught my blog on the way to a slow decline, for I don't really feel like I have the energy to write anything meaningful anymore. It might descend into me posting random tidbits that are of interest just to me, like the latest post, so be prepared! :)

Thanks for the link on your page, though I think most of your readers will be disappointed with what they see here!! Anyway, thanks for stopping by, I'll keep an eye on your blog from now on :)

Jenny said...

is that where you lived? (the photo with you playing cricket) o.o it's pretty. *jealous*

Aisha said...

Hi there Ad,
I don't think your blog has disappointed anyone :-0 In fact, I was reviewed on The Weblog Review (have you tried that?) and one reviewer said he liked the blogs he found that way on mine. ANd both reviewers liked poetry...

And as for writing random bits, that's what I do. Nothing wrong with that...
